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Eina nuo 2000 m. News you can trust since 2000
,,“ Ne visos žinios sutampa su Pro Vitos redakcijos nuomone.
Archyvas 2025m. 01
Knygos: ,,Piligrimo
vadovas“ ,,Būkime Blaivūs!“ Lankstinukai: ,,Alkoholio
mitai“, ,,Gyventi ar Gerti?“ ,,Būkime
Dear Fr. Robertas
Skrinskas: Thank you for your interest and support of ZENIT. We grant you
permission to use pro-life related articles from our service in your web page.
At the same time, if you know of any events in Lithuania that would be of
interest to the universal Church, we would be interested in hearing about it.
God bless! Mark Polo
Welcome to the CF NEWS service. You are
most welcome to make use of our material. Editor, Tim Matthews
Dear Fr. Skrinskas, Please feel free to
translate the LifeSite News articles. All we request is that you credit LifeSite
for the stories and provide the address. In Christ, John-Henry
Westen, Editor LifeSite News
Dear Father, Yes, you have my permission to
translate any article on my site ( into Lithuanian. I only ask
that you acknowledge where the article was taken from. God Bless Jerry Novotny,
Dear Father, You have our
permission to translate our news items for you Pro Vita internet page. Thank you
for writing, and may God bless you! David Brandao, American Life League
Dear Fr. Skrinskas, We gladly give
you permission to translate our articles for use on your website. We are happy
to have our work reach a wider audience. Please give credit to Population
Research Institute as the source of the material. God bless you and your work.
Sincerely, Sarah Dateno, Editor, PRI
Dear Father, You are more than
welcome to use any of our materials that you wish. Thank you for the courtesy of
asking. God bless you, Fr. Tom Euteneuer, HLI
Good to hear from you. Please feel free to
copy any of our material from our website for your newsletter. Please tell me if
this helps! Sincerely, Elisa De Stefano, Priests for Life.
Dear Father Skrinskas: If you should find other
article on our web site that you would like to translate and publish, please
feel free to do so and simply send us your translations for our use. I hope that
this finds you well. You are in our prayers as you promote the culture of life
and we ask for you prayers. Fraternally in Christ, Fr. Robert A. Sirico,
President, Acton Institute
Dear Fr. Robertas Gedvydas Skrinskas, Please translate
as much as you want. Also, please send us copies of the translated materials to
place on our web site. Thank you! Have a great day, Christina Espenscheid,
Educational Programs Coordinator, Abstinence Clearinghouse.
Parengė Robertas